Masjid bilal namaz timetable
Masjid bilal namaz timetable

masjid bilal namaz timetable

Read Quran, Duas and check today’s date from Hijri Gregorian calendar. Once we are at full capacity doors will be closed.įor brothers who attend eid namaaz at 8am jumah will be 1.30 for them.įor brothers who attend eid namaaz at 9am jumah will be 2.30 for them.įor brothers who attend eid namaaz at 10am jumah will be 3.30. Get the most accurate Prayer times, Qibla direction for more than 6 million places. A place for polishing your bond with God. Best place to stay connected with God connectedly.The thing that brings you near to God. MASJID BILAL is place where everyone joins together. Adhaan - Salaah - Masjid - Map - Fajr - Dhuhr - Asr - Maghrib - Isha. We offer the opportunity to attend prayer 5 times, Learn Gods teaching through the Quran and other Services. We can only accommodate 130 people at one time with social distancing. Bilal Masjid in the city Chennai Moskee Bilal Mawaqit - Prayer times, Mosque WebBilal Masjid Tannery Road Address Arabic Collage Tannery Road. Masjid: Masjid Sayyidina Bilaal(ra) - Actonville, Benoni, Gauteng - South Africa. Please can you text nafis on 07711120845 or adam on 07707747788 to confirm what the best time would be if you cannot make the above or if your time needs chaning. And 2.30 jumah to come to the 9am eid namaaz. We try to ensure times shown here on-line run parallel with the Masjid so that you will always know what time the Jamat will begin. We are requesting the brothers who currently attend jumah at 1.30 to come eid namaaz at 8am. Please note there will be 3 eid namaaz this year and 3 jumahs.

Masjid bilal namaz timetable