While conventional DEA models set targets separately for each DMU, in this paper we consider that there is a centralized decision maker (DM) who “owns” or supervises all the operating units. The results show the effectiveness and the efficacy of the proposed framework. The developed framework is tested and applied in a real world project for benchmarking the vendors of a leading Turkish automotive company.

The developed software provides a DEA solution which is consistent with the framework and is ready-to-analyze with data mining tools, through a table-based structure. An innovative and convenient DEA solver, SmartDEA, is designed and developed in accordance with the pro-posed analysis framework. The paper formally shows how the solutions of DEA models should be structured so that these solutions can be examined and interpreted by analysts through information visualization and data mining techniques effectively. The main objective of this study is then to develop a general decision support system (DSS) framework to analyze the solutions of basic DEA models. Regarding to this fact, effective and methodologic analysis and interpretation of DEA solutions are very critical. DEA provides a significant amount of information from which analysts and managers derive insights and guidelines to promote their existing performances. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) has proven to be a useful tool for assessing efficiency or productivity of organizations, which is of vital practical importance in managerial decision making.